Saturday, January 25, 2020
affirmative action Essay -- essays research papers
Affirmative Action Affirmative Action, policies used in the United States to increase opportunities for minorities by favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, and the awarding of government contracts. Depending upon the situation, â€Å"minorities†might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. Generally, affirmative action has been undertaken by governments, businesses, or educational institutions to remedy the effects of past discrimination against a group, whether by a specific entity, such as a corporation, or by society as a whole. According to the Merriam-Webster New World Dictionary, Affirmative Action is defined as an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups or women. To put that definition in English, it means a program designed to help either minorities or women achieve equal rights, as with the rest of the population. In this case, the minorities are being discussed, or to be less broad, the African Americans. â€Å"I have a dream today.†This is a famous quote by one of histories most famous and influential civil rights activists of all time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Being a civil rights activist, Dr. King wanted nothing more than for his people, the African Americans, to have equality. In the effort to gain equality, there were four steps he took. The first step was the collection of facts. In other words, this meant that they would identify t...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project
Short Article-Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project 1. Classify and describe the problems Kaiser faced in setting up the transplant center. What was the role of information systems and information management in these problems? The information technology based problems that Kaiser faced in setting up the transplant center are use of paperwork, lost records, incomplete or incorrect date, lack of specific procedures for transferring data, no process for tracking or responding to patient complaints.The people problems were that the employees had little guidance and training related to their job requirements, and lacked prior experience with transplant program. Further, the employees that worked on processing transplant information were overworked and put in 10 to 16 hour days as they had to cope up with large amounts of information. The organizational problems were the company did not anticipate the personnel requirements of their new project. There was little gu idance given to employees and there was little executive governance to correct procedural problems.There was no attempt to identify and define the processes required to ensure a smooth transition from external transplant to in-house program. Information systems and management had an important role to play there were no procedures to transfer data on the patients to the United Network for Organ Sharing. There were no processes for tracking or responding to patient complaints/requests. Further, there were no procedures for transferring data to the United Network for Organ Sharing which oversees transplant waiting lists.Further, there were no directions sent the patients what they were supposed to do with consent forms. >>> Masalah TI yg Kaiser hadapi dalam mendirikan pusat transplantasi adalah : †¢penggunaan dokumen, catatan hilang, tanggal lengkap atau tidak benar, †¢kurangnya prosedur khusus untuk mentransfer data, tidak ada proses untuk melacak atau menanggapi keluhan pas ien. †¢Masalah pd umumnya adalah bahwa karyawan memiliki sedikit panduan dan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan persyaratan pekerjaan mereka, dan tidak memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya dengan program transplantasi. Lebih lanjut, karyawan yang bekerja pada pengolahan informasi transplantasi yang terlalu banyak bekerja dan dimasukkan ke dalam 10 sampai 16 jam sehari karena mereka harus mengatasi dengan sejumlah besar informasi. Masalah organisasi adalah †¢perusahaan tidak mengantisipasi kebutuhan personil proyek baru mereka. †¢Hanya sedikit petunjuk yang diberikan kepada karyawan †¢Sedikit tindakan Eksekutif (manajemen) dalam memperbaiki masalah prosedural. †¢Tidak ada upaya untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan proses yang diperlukan untuk memastikan transisi yang mulus dari transplantasi eksternal untuk kepada program di-rumah.Sistem informasi dan manajemen memiliki peran penting untuk dilakukan †¢Tidak ada prosedur untuk mentransfer data pada pasien kepada UNOS. Tidak ada proses untuk melacak atau menanggapi keluhan pasien / permintaan. †¢Tidak ada prosedur untuk mentransfer data keUNOS yang bertugas mengawasi daftar tunggu transplantasi. †¢Tidak ada informasi yang diberikan kepada pasien apa yang harus mereka lakukan dengan formulir persetujuan 2. What were the people, organization, and technology factors responsible for those problems?There was little communication from the management to the employees; the employees were not organized properly. There was no leadership provided to the project and no measure in place to motivate employees. The people problem was that employees were not trained. Lacked experience, and were not guided to perform their tasks properly. In addition, the employees of Kaiser who worked on the project were overworked. Employees lacked proper directions to perform their tasks. The organization was ill prepared for doing the transplants in-house.The purpose of in-house transplants was not communicated to employees, there was inadequate structure, relationship and responsibility were ill defined, there is no evidence that any persons would be rewarded if the in-house kidney transplant project was successful and there was little leadership involvement in the project. The organization factors were that the company had not assessed properly the manpower requirement for transferring outside kidney transplants to in-house facility. There was inadequate organization to handle the increased responsibilities.The organization structure required to support the project was missing. The involvement of the top executives was minimal and they did not put in place systems to make successful the transition. It appears that the information systems used in the kidney transplant process was not developed properly. There was lack of system analysis, system design, testing, and maintenance of the system. This led to the use of paper based records, no system in place for data transfer to electronic sy stem, no process for responding to patient complaints or requests, and inaccurate records.There was a shortage of IT professions to support the databases that were required for the program. There was no arrangement made to transfer the waiting lists at other hospitals to Kaiser. >>> †¢Ada sedikit komunikasi dari manajemen kepada karyawan, †¢karyawan tidak ditata dengan benar. †¢Tidak ada kepemimpinan yang diberikan kepada proyek dan tidak ada alat yang menjadi ukuran untuk memotivasi karyawan. †¢Masalah umumnya adalah bahwa karyawan tidak dilatih. †¢Tidak memiliki pengalaman, †¢dan tidak mendapat petunjuk untuk melakukan tugas mereka dengan benar. karyawan yang bekerja pada proyek itu terlalu banyak bekerja. †¢Karyawan tidak memiliki arah yang tepat untuk melakukan tugas mereka. †¢Organisasi ini tidak siap untuk melakukan transplantasi di rumah. †¢Tujuan transplantasi di-rumah tidak disampaikan kepada karyawan, ada struktur hubungan, tida k memadai dan tanggung jawab yang tidak jelas, †¢tidak ada bukti bahwa setiap orang akan diberi imbalan jika di-rumah proyek transplantasi ginjal berhasil dan keterlibatan kepemimpinan sedikit dalam proyek. Faktor-faktor organisasi adalah bahwa perusahaan tidak dinilai benar kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk mentransfer transplantasi ginjal luar untuk di-rumah fasilitas. †¢Organisasi tidak memadai untuk menangani tanggung jawab yang meningkat. Struktur organisasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung proyek ini hilang. Keterlibatan eksekutif puncak sangat minim dan mereka tidak dimasukkan ke dalam sistem untuk membuat transisi sukses. Tampaknya sistem informasi yang digunakan dalam proses transplantasi ginjal tidak dikembangkan dengan baik.Ada kurangnya analisis sistem, desain sistem, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan sistem. Hal ini menyebabkan penggunaan catatan berbasis kertas, tidak ada sistem di tempat untuk transfer data ke sistem elektronik, tidak ada proses untuk menanggapi keluhan pasien atau permintaan, dan catatan akurat. Ada kekurangan profesi TI untuk mendukung database yang dibutuhkan untuk program tersebut. Ada yang tidak ada pengaturan dibuat untuk mentransfer daftar tunggu di rumah sakit lain untuk Kaiser. 3. What steps would you have taken to increase the project's chances for success?I would have first selected the employees who would be responsible for the different stages of the project. Their qualification and experience would be examined and required training would be provided to them. They would be given training necessary for records transfer, digitalization of records, transplant information transfer, compliance with the relevant laws, and implementation of the in-house transplant. There would be a properly organized department that would supervise in-house transplantation and would be responsible for the change. Further, I would develop a new information system for in-house kidney transplant.There would be proper planning for the informatio n system there would be requirements definition, systems design, implementation, integration and testing, acceptance, installation and deployment, and provision for maintenance of the system. I would get support of this project from the top management by way of adequate budget, and resources for the project. The reason is that without adequate support from the top management it is not possible to successfully implement such a project. I would have used all the project planning tools to make this project successful. gt;;; †¢Pemilihan karyawan dan staff yang akan bertanggung jawab untuk berbagai tahap proyek. †¢Pemeriksaan kualifikasi dan pengalaman serta pemberian dan pelatihan yang diperlukan. †¢Pemberian pelatihan yang diperlukan untuk transfer catatan, digitalisasi catatan, transfer transplantasi informasi, sesuai dengan hukum yang relevan, dan pelaksanaan in-house transplantation. †¢Pembentukan departemen yang mengatur dan monitoring (seperti quality assurance atau yang sejenis) yang akan mengawasi pelaksanaan in-house transplantation dan akan bertanggung jawab untuk perubahan. Pengembangan sistem informasi baru untuk in-house transplantation ginjal. †¢Perencanaan yang tepat untuk sistem informasi akan ada persyaratan definisi, sistem desain, implementasi, integrasi dan pengujian, penerimaan, instalasi dan penyebaran, dan penyediaan untuk pemeliharaan sistem. †¢Dukungan proyek dari manajemen puncak dengan cara anggaran yang memadai, dan sumber daya untuk proyek tersebut, karena tanpa dukungan yang memadai dari manajemen puncak tidak mungkin untuk berhasil melaksanakan proyek tersebut. †¢Penggunaan semua alat perencanaan proyek untuk membuat proyek ini sukses. . Were there any ethical problems created by this failed project? Explain your answer. Yes. There are several ethical problems created by this failed project. The kidney transfer program was implemented without having resources to treat the patients. From the perspect ive of deontological ethics, Kaiser has the duty to treat all the patients that have been transferred in-house. In addition, if Kaiser does not have the capacity to treat all the patients quickly so as to save their lives, Kaiser should not have transferred the patients for in-house treatment.Disregarding the patients' waiting time in other hospitals and dropping patients who had waited to the bottom of the list are not ethical. From a virtue ethics perspective these not acts of good character. Incorrect and incomplete medical records leading to the death of patients is not morally acceptable. Normally, an information system error would not be considered to be immoral but in a case where such errors can lead to the death of a person, such error would be immoral. >>> Ya. Ada beberapa masalah etika yang diciptakan oleh proyek ini gagal. Program transfer ginjal dilaksanakan tanpa sumber daya untuk mengobati pasien. †¢Dari perspektif etika deontologis, Kaiser bertugas untuk mengoba ti semua pasien yang telah dialihkan di rumah. †¢Selain itu, jika Kaiser tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk mengobati semua pasien dengan cepat sehingga untuk menyelamatkan hidup mereka, Kaiser seharusnya tidak mengalihkan pasien untuk di-rumah perawatan. †¢Mengabaikan waktu pasien menunggu di rumah sakit lain dan menjatuhkan pasien yang telah menunggu untuk bagian bawah daftar tersebut tidak etis. Dari perspektif etika moralitas ini tidak bertindak berkelakuan baik. Catatan medis tidak benar dan tidak lengkap menyebabkan kematian pasien tidak dapat diterima secara moral. Biasanya, kesalahan sistem informasi tidak akan dianggap sebagai amoral tetapi dalam kasus di mana kesalahan tersebut dapat menyebabkan kematian seseorang, kesalahan tersebut akan menjadi tidak bermoral. References: Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project www. wisegeek. com/what-is-business-ethics. htm http://trade. gov/goodgovernance/adobe/bem_manual. pdf www. trivology. com/articles/4 93/what-are-business-ethics. html www. auditservices. com/itsysdev. html
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
History of Trigonometry - 4574 Words
Running Head: History of Trigonometry History of Trigonometry Rome Fiedler History of Mathematics 501 University of Akron April 29, 2012 History of Trigonometry: An Introduction Trigonometry is useful in our world. By exploring where these concepts come from provides an understanding in putting this mathematics to use. The term Trigonometry comes from the Greek word trigon, meaning triangle and the Greek word meatria meaning measurement. However it is not native to Greek in origin. The mathematics comes from multiple people over a span of thousands of years and has touched over every major civilization. It is a combination of geometry, and astronomy and has many practical applications over†¦show more content†¦Though there is no trigonometry in the works of Euclid and Archimedes, there are theorems presented in a geometric method that are similar to particular trigonometric laws or rules. Theorems on the lengths of chords are applications of the law of sines. In addition Archimedes theorem on broken chords is similar to rules for sines of sums and differences of angles. From the primitive landmarks of sh adow tables and the Greeks’ gain and expansion of astronomical knowledge from the Babylonians, there was a gap in the improvement of trigonometry until the time of Hipparchus. Hipparchus The first trigonometric table was in fact compiled by Hipparchus of, who is known as an as the father of trigonometry(Boyer, 1991). Hipparchus was the first to put into a table the corresponding values of arc and chord for a series of angles. He did this by considering every triangle was inscribed in a circle of fixed radius. Each side of the triangle became a chord, a straight line drawn between two points on a circle. To find the parts of the triangle he needed to find the length of the chord as a function of the central angle. [pic] For Example, in the diagram triangle ACB is†¨inscribed in circle O. So the sides of the triangle become chord†¨AC, chord CB and chord AB. Hipparchus would have sought to†¨find the length of the chord, AC, as a function of the central†¨angle. He deduced a trigonometric formula for the†¨length of a chord sketched from oneShow MoreRelatedWhat Is National Board Certification?706 Words  | 3 Pagesmath concepts, but I did not consider the possibility of being tested in the areas of trigonometry and calculus because these are not areas that I teach. In fact, these are areas I will have to brush up in and review because I have not looked at a Calculus or Trigonometry problem since by second year of college during my undergraduate degree. 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