Monday, August 24, 2020
Student Company Essays - Szd Speech, DraftGerald Roch,
Understudy Company Ben Broderson December 18, 2000 Understudy Company Paper Our understudy organization, Wahawk Shop, had numerous qualities and shortcomings. I accept our greatest quality is our innovativeness. We had thought of a lot of conceivable item thoughts. We likewise had inventive promoting, both in banners and video. Another quality our organization had was our item. We at last settled on can koozies and a deck of playing a card game, screen-printed with the West High school logo. I think we had a decent, unique item at a reasonable cost. Our organization likewise had numerous shortcomings. Our greatest shortcoming was our sloppiness. Numerous individuals were murky about precisely what was happening. I additionally believe that business time was not generally used furthering its full potential benefit. We spent very nearly two entire days, drawing potential logos on the board, and afterward attempting to decide in favor of one. It was a significant choice, yet I felt the entire class didn't have to invest that much energy in it. I accept the organization was around two things. To begin with, its clearly intended to exhibit the numerous means engaged with maintaining an independent venture, through and through. It additionally fills a more extensive need of figuring out how to function with others. In this organization you have to confide in others with duty. One individual can't accomplish all the work. You have to figure out how to discuss well with the others. Administration is a need in this organization, both with officials and the laborers. A decent president is expected to keep everybody together and working easily. The laborers likewise should be dynamic as well. The organization can?t go anyplace when everybody just lounges around holding back to be determined what to do by an official. I accept our officials made an alright showing, yet there is unquestionably opportunity to get better. Our leader Adam Watters worked superbly of ensuring everything completes, except I figure he could have taken a shot at keeping the entirety of the representatives in question. Friday gatherings needed association, and time the executives. Just a couple of gatherings were formally called appropriately. They felt disorderly, with insignificant inclusion of representatives. Time additionally could have been spent in progressively effective manners. Promoting has worked admirably, however they presumably could have begun sooner. I accept the organization will be a triumph. On the off chance that we sell our whole item, without any mix-ups financing insightful, we will pull a decent benefit. On the off chance that we could do it again however, we should attempt to get our item chose, planned, and requested sooner. We burned through excessively much organization time in the first place. I am incredibly happy I took this class. Its gives you a hands on feel of the procedure associated with the business world. I took in its significantly harder than it looks. Planning cash is a significant part, alongside record keeping. It?s hard to get a huge gathering of individuals to cooperate easily and proficiently. Collaboration and bargaining are fundamental. Everybody has there own preferred thoughts yet as a rule there must be one official conclusion made, which can be troublesome, however you have to figure out how to attempt new things and think various ways. I accept that I am a lot smarter than I was in the business world at this point.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essay Sample on Utah and Opera Symphony A Merger Analysis
Exposition Sample on Utah and Opera Symphony A Merger Analysis A. Correlation between the two organizations. Customarily progression has a control levels of leadership and structure for both Utah and Opera orchestra. This procedure of joining every one of these frameworks from various associations is alluded to as mix. An associations life cycle fits well inside the part of reconciliation; patterns of procurement in which ventures by come into organization with different associations and in the end get rid of different organizations. The most critical thing for one to note is the procurement of the business records of the association inside the merger (Bergelin, 2000). It is a productive way and basic component of numerous associations. Before Utah orchestra was converged with show ensemble its budgetary status was uninviting. Scott Parker who is the executive of the board comprehended the circumstance and noted it. The fall of the economy and occasion of 9/11 disturbed the circumstance. In any case, before the economies fall and 9/11, ensemble was at a skirt of deficiency circumstance. Sco tt Parker expected his position and attempted to make the circumstance lesser. Accentuation is laid on the achievement of the association and the intensity of administration. In the two organizations, workers are the real entertainers and their info is consumed from the top to the most reduced degree of their administration, and they are considered for commendable. The focal issue that influenced the organizations is the structure of the association since they contrasted in thoughts. The sheets of executives were responsible to by the Music Directors and CEO’s. Lockhard considered it to be an attack against his respect by answering to Ewers despite the fact that she was fiery and a decent audience. Ewers mandatory methodology might be acceptable in certain conditions, yet it would frustrate the adaptability of the association and discourage employee’s resolve of working. This would influence Utah Opera since it doesn't keep his ensemble however altogether rely upon Utah symphony’s administrations. Drama couldn't work all alone without an en semble, and it would be disband. Utah orchestra has a critical job in work process. It impacts data stream, work obligations and expands correspondence arrange both all through the association. Ensemble turned into the main symphony structure the western joined expressed to visit universally. Artists utilized by the USO earned full pay and got an agreement for a year dissimilar to those from drama. They had the option travel a few urban communities and perform shows because of their great supervisors and money related security. The breakdown of the financial exchange because of the frail economy and terrible that happened in September 11, 2001 prompted their decrease out in the open. Drama began making open doors for forthcoming craftsman to build up their gifts there (Bergelin, 2000). Ensemble is arranged in the general public as ordered in that organizations rely upon its instrumentalists for their prosperity. Obviously it is an orchestra whereby all directors cooperate with all the instruments to deliver appealing music. In any case, all the leaders realize that they should treat the representatives magnificent and regard the perspectives on the craftsmen so as to work well. Utah show would be named an adaptable in that they are not the same as most different dramas. Their fundamental spotlight is on attempting most recent types of drama and practicing new crowd so as to get more individuals who are keen on going along with it through their site. Drama goes further by visiting schools to get audience members who may value their craft yet have never been presented to it in any capacity. It predominantly centers around innovation and how individuals see it. By doing this, they acquire crowd. Be that as it may, Utah orchestra chiefly centers around conventional wor kmanship, attempting to perform well as a gathering as opposed to gaining new thoughts or audience members. Utah drama appear to have every one of their choices made at the top generally level; be that as it may, the ensemble gives more powers to their entertainers and instrumentalists (Morrison, 2009). All together for Utah drama to achieve the objectives that it requires then there are some primary things that it should simply hold fast to. Achievement of Utah drama for the most part rely upon both the elements whereby one association ought not look downward on the other association in philosophies and perspectives. Incase this happens then Symphony will be down falling the opera’s music in any case, the merger of the two types of music would frame an incredible amusement. Other than that, both the substances ought to converge to frame a solitary association that has same an objective. The intensity of the pecking order must be characterized in that all the individuals know their job and obligations inside it, and there is no disarray in the two sheets of executives (Morrison, 2009). B. Crowd methodology for Anne Ewers to utilize when planning to talk Ewers ought to have more vitality in engaging and addressing the crowd with the goal that she is seen as a risky pioneer. This will make a decent connection among her and the remainder of the representatives who don't know of the recently blended association. By being not kidding it will show that she has a reasonable vision for the organization, is going it towards the correct bearing and makes certain of her position. The crowd will have a sense of safety and believe in her since she knows about the business and it condition (Morrison, 2009). Ewers should utilize the correct language to show that it is her line of vocation and calling. Notwithstanding, in the event that changes are be made in the association, at that point they ought to be exceptional not at made on the double. She should handle issues emerging in the association with certainty since it is another association and be prepared to clarify and give arrangements that can profit the association and the representatives. Ewers ought to acknowledge adjustments and be agreeable to her crowd. This would give her laborers certainty and go to her with concerns and recommendations that will be minor however of high significance to the association since they will require full focus for arrangement. Besides, Ewers ought to maintain a strategic distance from isolation between the administration and different representatives and this will rouse the workers since they will realize that they are filling in as a group and towards a similar objective. Being a reflection of the association, the official and representatives ought not have clashes consistently. In the event of any ruin of the association in any capacity then she should hold a gathering where all the individuals and workers are available, start by giving the positive and best exhibition that the association has accomplished at that point follow with the shortage that the association has experienced (OECD, 2011). She should give space for commitment af ter her introduction to. In her message, Ewers ought to guarantee the two substances of her help. She ought to disclose to both the associations about her response on the bearing and objectives of each side by calling attention to the issues how they will be managed and guarantee both the elements are alright with the merger. Besides, Ewers put a ton of underline on the significance of everybody progressing in the direction of the crucial vision of Utah show. In situations where the workers are separated about the objectives of the organization it is probably going to prompt diminished inspiration inside the organization and disappointment among the representatives. What's more, Ewers ought to guarantee that both Symphony and Opera offer help to one another as opposed to battling and focusing on the defeat of one another to benefit from it. At last, in the event that there is support and not rivalry connection between the two associations, at that point them two are probably going t o rise victors in their work (OECD, 2011). C. Innovation devices that can be utilized after the merger The executives data improvement practice is a primary thought for some associations, all through both private and open areas. Much of the time, the executives of data implies utilizing new innovation thoughts, for example, record for the executives framework, substance and use of entryways that would unite these two elements have all their fundamental information in one database. This database would be effectively open when required by the two elements. It would cut on use, assets, and time. For instance, Ewers needed to discover how tickets would sell during winter on the forthcoming show. She could search for the offer of the past tickets in the database in order to settle on an educated choice on how well the tickets of the ebb and flow show would sell. A measurable framework would help her in anticipating the consumption and the estimation of the scene of execution. It would likewise foresee the expense of heading out to the shows, remain and tickets bought (OECD, 2011). Usage of the data database will start things out on the grounds that it stores a great deal of data that is vital particularly to Utah show where the administrators of the two associations won't be acquainted with the one another. Since the measurable data framework isn't fundamental as the board data framework, it would set aside effort for it to be actualized in order to stay away from mistakes that would happen like erroneous conclusion (OECD, 2011). Be that as it may, the previous them two are actualized the better with the goal that running of the association is smooth and effective. The accomplishment of this merger totally relies upon the initiative of Ewers and the earth she will accommodate the kindred workers. At long last, during the time spent blending at least two foundations to frame one unit requires more association which incorporates assets, errands and the individuals. Incorporation makes it explicit converges for business, and it takes after the existence pattern of a business association. Different financial specialists could utilize the speculations above to combine associations and make a triumph out of that. These strategies can be consolidated effortlessly in the influence and combination forms. Before combining organizations to frame one business association, all gatherings should require some serious energy and research on the business they need to wander into. Simultaneously, they have to know the association they are converging with, and al
Monday, July 20, 2020
10 Relaxing Activities to De-Stress in College
10 Relaxing Activities to De-Stress in College Need to De-Stress in College? Youll Love These Activities Need to De-Stress in College? Youll Love These Activities College is stressful. Just ask the data. Here are some pretty shocking stats: ? Between 2009 and 2015, even though college enrollment only grew by 5%, the number of students seeking counselling grew by 30%. ? One study found that 79.3% of college students were suffering from psychological stress or anxiety. ? 9.5% of Canadian university students stated that they have experienced suicidal thoughts. From that stressful first day of school when you don’t know anyone and have to find your classes, to balancing a part-time job and a pile of assignments, there is always something to worry about. It’s extremely important to find ways to relax and de-stress in college, for your health’s sake. 1. Build a New Playlist Sometimes all it takes to kick back and relax is your favourite, comforting songs. Explore the songs that make you feel calm and collected and throw them onto your new go-to playlist. Put it on whenever you feel stressed. 2. Get Outside and Play If your school is near a beach, lake, major park, or other notable attraction, take a Saturday or Sunday and head out there for a day of relaxation in the great outdoors. If you have a part time job and work on weekends, book a day off to spend outdoors. You deserve some fresh air. 3. Move Your Furniture Around Take a page from the book of feng shui, the Chinese philosophy based on feeling a sense of harmony through your surroundings, and rearrange your furniture. Changing up your environment will help you get a fresh take on life, and moving things around will take your mind off the other stressful obligations in your life. 4. Find a New Series to Binge Watch Pick a new Netflix show, get comfortable, grab your favourite snack, and get watching. Even if you don’t have Netflix, CraveTV, Amazon Prime, or even Hulu (in the USA), most of these streaming services offer free trials. Sign up, pick a show, and cancel your membership when it’s done. 5. Indulge in Some Comfort Food Hey, no one said you have to be healthy all the time. Sometimes it’s nice to take a time out and indulge in your favourite foods, no matter how greasy or deep fried they might be. Sit down with your go-to comfort food and feel the waves of relaxation crashing over you. 6. Get Moving For many of us, exercise isn’t something we really love doing. However, physical activity releases endorphins that rev up the feel-good transmitters in your brain, and it also helps distract you from whatever is causing you stress because you have to focus on the activity at hand. Even if you just go for a quick walk, you’ll feel a whole lot better. 7. Dig up Some Memories Take a trip down memory lane and remember some of the good times you’ve had. Dig through your oldest Facebook photos and think about those happy, fun moments. This is sure to put a smile on your face and help you hit the pause button for a little while. 8. Treat Yourself to Some Me Time Indulge in yourself. Whether that means giving yourself a manicure, making a DIY mud mask, or simply taking a nap, take time out of your day to do something solely for your own happiness. This will help you feel better and take your mind off those stressors for just a little while. 9. Watch or Read Something Funny Laughing makes you feel good! It doesn’t take a psychology degree to understand this one. The more you laugh, the more your body will start to feel those happy thoughts instead of the worries you’re feeling about the stressful things in your life. 10. Establish a Stress Outlet Pick up a new hobby, join a club or organization, or start playing a new game that can become your go-to activity. Whenever you feel stressed, this new activity can become your temporary escape from the world. Relieve Even More Stress With Our Custom Writing Services Our academic writing services can help you with your schoolwork, no matter what course you’re taking. Whether you need an essay, research paper, online tutoring, or even a book review, our team of experienced writers is here to help you make the grade. References: Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.) Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from exercise-and-st ress/art-20044469. Miller, Adam. (2017). Canadian students feel stress, anxiety, have suicidal thoughts, survey reveals. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from . Saleh, D., Camart, N., Romo, L. (2017). Predictors of stress in college students. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(19). Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00019. Winerman, L. (2017). By the numbers: Stress on campus. The American Psychological Association. Retrieved from numbers.aspx. 10 Relaxing Activities to De-Stress in College Need to De-Stress in College? Youll Love These Activities Need to De-Stress in College? Youll Love These Activities College is stressful. Just ask the data. Here are some pretty shocking stats: ? Between 2009 and 2015, even though college enrollment only grew by 5%, the number of students seeking counselling grew by 30%. ? One study found that 79.3% of college students were suffering from psychological stress or anxiety. ? 9.5% of Canadian university students stated that they have experienced suicidal thoughts. From that stressful first day of school when you don’t know anyone and have to find your classes, to balancing a part-time job and a pile of assignments, there is always something to worry about. It’s extremely important to find ways to relax and de-stress in college, for your health’s sake. 1. Build a New Playlist Sometimes all it takes to kick back and relax is your favourite, comforting songs. Explore the songs that make you feel calm and collected and throw them onto your new go-to playlist. Put it on whenever you feel stressed. 2. Get Outside and Play If your school is near a beach, lake, major park, or other notable attraction, take a Saturday or Sunday and head out there for a day of relaxation in the great outdoors. If you have a part time job and work on weekends, book a day off to spend outdoors. You deserve some fresh air. 3. Move Your Furniture Around Take a page from the book of feng shui, the Chinese philosophy based on feeling a sense of harmony through your surroundings, and rearrange your furniture. Changing up your environment will help you get a fresh take on life, and moving things around will take your mind off the other stressful obligations in your life. 4. Find a New Series to Binge Watch Pick a new Netflix show, get comfortable, grab your favourite snack, and get watching. Even if you don’t have Netflix, CraveTV, Amazon Prime, or even Hulu (in the USA), most of these streaming services offer free trials. Sign up, pick a show, and cancel your membership when it’s done. 5. Indulge in Some Comfort Food Hey, no one said you have to be healthy all the time. Sometimes it’s nice to take a time out and indulge in your favourite foods, no matter how greasy or deep fried they might be. Sit down with your go-to comfort food and feel the waves of relaxation crashing over you. 6. Get Moving For many of us, exercise isn’t something we really love doing. However, physical activity releases endorphins that rev up the feel-good transmitters in your brain, and it also helps distract you from whatever is causing you stress because you have to focus on the activity at hand. Even if you just go for a quick walk, you’ll feel a whole lot better. 7. Dig up Some Memories Take a trip down memory lane and remember some of the good times you’ve had. Dig through your oldest Facebook photos and think about those happy, fun moments. This is sure to put a smile on your face and help you hit the pause button for a little while. 8. Treat Yourself to Some Me Time Indulge in yourself. Whether that means giving yourself a manicure, making a DIY mud mask, or simply taking a nap, take time out of your day to do something solely for your own happiness. This will help you feel better and take your mind off those stressors for just a little while. 9. Watch or Read Something Funny Laughing makes you feel good! It doesn’t take a psychology degree to understand this one. The more you laugh, the more your body will start to feel those happy thoughts instead of the worries you’re feeling about the stressful things in your life. 10. Establish a Stress Outlet Pick up a new hobby, join a club or organization, or start playing a new game that can become your go-to activity. Whenever you feel stressed, this new activity can become your temporary escape from the world. Relieve Even More Stress With Our Custom Writing Services Our academic writing services can help you with your schoolwork, no matter what course you’re taking. Whether you need an essay, research paper, online tutoring, or even a book review, our team of experienced writers is here to help you make the grade. References: Mayo Clinic Staff. (n.d.) Exercise and stress: Get moving to manage stress. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from exercise-and-st ress/art-20044469. Miller, Adam. (2017). Canadian students feel stress, anxiety, have suicidal thoughts, survey reveals. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from . Saleh, D., Camart, N., Romo, L. (2017). Predictors of stress in college students. Frontiers in Psychology, 8(19). Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00019. Winerman, L. (2017). By the numbers: Stress on campus. The American Psychological Association. Retrieved from numbers.aspx.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Biography of Nelson Mandela Essays - 2224 Words
Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela is recognized for his leadership as a peacemaker and for distinctive aspects of his peacemaking practices all throughout the world. He was the leader of one of the most incredible political transitions in human history. Mandela is known as one of the great moral and political leaders of our times; an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa, won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. In his autobiography, A Long Walk to Freedom, he explains the tragedies and triumphs he has seen throughout his life. In the book, you get a glimpse of his life and how he became one of the greatest civil rights leaders in human history. Nelson†¦show more content†¦It is an ideal for which I hope to live and see realized. But, my Lord, if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.†(Liberfield 1) Mandela maintained his peacefulness and leadership qualities in prison. Psychologis t Saths Cooper, a leader of the rival Black Consciousness Movement, shared a cellblock with Mandela for five years at Robben Island. He observed that Mandela was, Able to get on with every person he met. He played a vital role in dampening the conflicts that broke out on Robben Island. Despite having ideological disagreements, he was able to maintain personal contact (Liberfield 1). Another prisoner noted of Mandela, It doesnt matter if you differ, he is always polite. He never gets angry. All he will do is try to have the discussion as amicable as possible (Liberfield 1). From 1964 to 1982, Mandela was kept in a maximum-security prison. In 1988, he was hospitalized for tuberculosis. Amidst increasing global pressures, the South African government under President F.W. de Klerk released Mandela from prison on February 11, 1990. On March 2, Mandela was chosen deputy president of the ANC, and he replaced the president in July 1991. Mandela and de Klerk worked to end apartheid and bring about a peaceful transition to nonracial democracy in South Africa. In 1948, white South African votersShow MoreRelatedNelson Mandela Biography659 Words  | 3 Pagesexcept for Nelson Mandela, who was sent to jail just for asking that his rights be given to him and his fellow blacks. He spent 27 years doing hard labor but still continued to fight for his rights until he became the president of South Africa. Recently, however, he passed away at the age of ninety-five. This is just a mere reason why I chose him and also to show the influence of paper, ink and some unjust facts in the world. On the 18th of July, 1918, Rolihlahla Mandela, later on called Nelson, was bornRead MoreNelson Mandela Spiritual Biography2263 Words  | 10 PagesRunaway, Terrorist, Prisoner, Student, President, South African, Free Nelson Mandela challenged the status quo in many ways weather it was done politically, socially, or personally, in order to achieve such high goals Mandela paid many great personal expenses. Before the acts of Nelson Mandela, the country of South Africa was broken; it was plunged in a deep racism with the election in 1948. The regime of 1948 committed the crime of Apartheid which is defined as the action of committing inhumaneRead MoreBiography of Nelson Mandela1334 Words  | 6 PagesNelson Mandela Born and raised in South Africa. According to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Mvezo, Transkei, on July 18,1918 to parents Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Galda Mandela. Rolihlahla Mandela was raised in a home with a family that always worked towards bettering the future. Mandela’s childhood was peaceful, he spent time on cattle herding and other rural pursuits. He was one of thirteen children, and had three older brothers all who were ofRead MoreBiography of Nelson Mandela 1355 Words  | 6 Pageslive in a way that responds and enhances the freedom of others†says Nelson Mandela. (cite) Mandela lived by these words and showed it in many ways. Nelson Mandela changed the world by ending apartheid, positively influencing others, and creating and supporting multiple charities. (add more information) Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, which is now known as Nelson Mandela day. By being the son of a tribal councilor, Mandela mastered the art of listening; this helped him become a successful leaderRead MoreBiography of Nelson Mandela Essay833 Words  | 4 PagesOn the night of his electoral victory, following the first democratic election in South Africa after years of racist oligarchy, Nelson Mandela began his victory address in a conventional style: â€Å"My fellow South Africans – the people of South Africa†(Guardian 3 May 1994 cited in Billig 1997:97). He went on to describe the new South Africa , â€Å"the type of South Africa we can build†. From his message it was clear that the country he spoke of had a unique, identifiable and addressable people: â€Å"The speechRead MoreNelson Mandela: A Brief Biography1090 Words  | 4 PagesNelson Mandela, born on July 18th, 1918 was born in South Africa. Later in his life he would become one of my influential people ever in African South African history. South Africa was ruled by the Britain and the Netherlands in the 17th century. The British empowerment resulted in the Netherlands establishing new colonies. There were two colonies that were established. Those colonies were Orange Free State and Transvaal. The Netherlands discovered that the area had a lot of wealth like diamondsRead MoreA Brief Biography of Nelson Mandela2188 Words  | 9 PagesNelson Mandela Born on July 18, 1918, in Mvezo, a village in the Transkei, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela became a prominent figure in global politics until recent times. Nelson was born on July 18 under the name Rolihlahla Mandela, to parents Nonqaphi Nosekeni and Nkosi Mphakanyiswa Gadla Mandela. He began to attend school at the age of seven in Qunu. While here he was given the name Nelson by a teacher, and name that stuck with him forever. His father was royalty, and was the principal chancellorRead MoreA Brief Biography of Nelson Mandela693 Words  | 3 Pagesfew words to describe one of our world’s most iconic people, Nelson Mandela. He fought for freedom and against racial discrimination in his country of South Africa. Not only did Nelson Mandela change the world, he also inspired people to change the world too. He was just an average boy living in a small town in South Africa who became one of the world’s most iconic figures. Through challenges and hard times, he got through a nd today, Nelson Mandela’s story inspires people around the world to do somethingRead MoreA Brief Biography of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela902 Words  | 4 Pages Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in Mveso, Transkei, South Africa. Nelson Mandela became actively involved in the anti-apartheid kineticism in his 20s, and then joined the African National Congress in 1942. He directed a campaign of placid, nonviolent disobedience against the South African regime and its racist policies. Nelson accommodated as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. NelsonMandela is one of the greatest moral and political leaders of our time. Nelson MandelasRead MoreA Very Brief Biography of Nelson Mandela1229 Words  | 5 Pagespowerful and praiseworthy Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa into the royal family of the Xhosa-speaking Thembu tribe. From an early age, Mandela demonstrated his passion for fighting for the rights of his people. He was greatly inspired by the stories he heard about his ancestors during their times of struggle. It is through determination and dedication that Mandela accomplished many of his goals including an end to apartheid. In fact, Mandela received a Nobel Peace Prize
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Children With Aggression During The United States
Children with aggression in the united states has played a big part in the world today.It has caused a great number of kids to grow up with bad habits and wrong doings. Growing up young with aggression can turn into a pattern that have been created over a long time period (Lehman1).Its first start off with simple aggressive act, then it leads to bigger problems.Also the aggression in a child can rub off his or her peers. Which also can lead to a larger group of kids growing up with the wrong set of mind. The youth is the future and knowing that most children are growing up with aggression is a very scary sight of the others. With more children growing up with aggression will cause a higher death rate and the jail count going up. Children shows different types of aggression in many ways mentally,physically,and socially. The aggression can cause children to have an different type of mood swing than others that does not have aggression.It mostly has a after impact of growing up with men tal health of 20230 of children from the middle ages from 2 to 17 in USA(Tuner2).All the aggression in the children causes them to have heart attack and blood pressure at a young age. The mental can come from a different aspect, such as abusing there own bodies with drugs(7). When children become an angry aggressive person they need help to control their actions around their peers. Even though it is important to know of behaviors that that send signal that presences of a childShow MoreRelatedMedia Violence and Its Effect on Children Essay1112 Words  | 5 Pagesviolent video games and television shows are creating their own place in our society, the reports of violence among children are escalating. This correlation has been studied extensively in the scientific community in an attempt to discover whether media violence does negatively impact children but there has yet to be a consensus. There is a split between those that believe that children are becoming more violent because t hey are exposed to violent media and those that believe that correlation is notRead MoreProtecting Children from Television Violence Essays1405 Words  | 6 Pages has been a controversial topic for several years. The argument is whether young children are brainwashed into committing violent real-world crimes because of violent and pugnacious behavior exposed in mass media. In his article â€Å"No Real Evidence for TV Violence Causing Real Violence†, Jonathan Freedman, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto and author of â€Å"Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence†, discusses how television violence, claimed byRead MoreEffects Of Media Violence On Teenagers1509 Words  | 7 PagesEffects on Media Violence and Young Children and Teenagers Violence and aggression have been seen often in nowadays media through music, commercials, video games, television and movies. Many argue whether the violence in media makes impact on people. Some claim there is no correlation between violence in media and reality. Christopher Ferguson, an associate professor in Psychology at Stetson University said â€Å"Basically, by †¦ playing first-person shooter video game †¦ you keep them off the streetsRead MoreSpanking Child Into A Problematic Life?1295 Words  | 6 Pagesway to discipline your child or not. In result of the debates, many researchers have conducted studies based solely on the outcomes of spanking. A great number of the studies have concluded that there is a positive correlation between spanking and aggression, mental illness, and antisocial behaviors in the future. Despite the current view on spanking, researches have performed many experiments which conclude that spanking has many negative outcomes. Therefore, spanking should not be used as a way toRead MoreThe Effect of Child Abuse on The Emotional Development of the Infant1229 Words  | 5 PagesYears Old in the United States A Review of the Literature Child abuse is one of the most serious issues in the United States today. Child abuse is the physical, emotional/ psychological or sexual maltreatment of a minor. Neglecting a child is another type of abuse, and includes malnutrition, abandonment, and/or inadequate care of a child’s safety. Additionally, any neglectful act can lead to physical or emotional harm and in some cases death of a child. Unfortunately, young children are the most vulnerableRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games1240 Words  | 5 Pagesor a teenager. No one focused on the long-term or short-term effects that videogames have on people. With violent behaviors, dangerous aggression towards others, and school shootings are all possible outcomes of playing video games in ones youth. Videos games cause the youth to act violently in their communities, cause aggression towards others, and cause children to be desensitized to real life violence. Videos games are relatively new to the world, but over the years these games have gottenRead MoreSpanking And Its Negative Effects On Children s Behavior1284 Words  | 6 Pagesway to discipline your child or not. In result of the debates many researchers have conducted studies based solely on the outcomes of spanking. A great number of the studies have concluded that there is a positive correlation between spanking and aggression, mental illness, and antisocial behaviors in the future. Despite the current view on spanking, researches have conducted many experiments which conclude that spanking has many negative outcomes. Therefore, spanking should not be used as a way toRead MoreSigmund Freud s Theory Of Aggression1623 Words  | 7 PagesFreud proposed that aggression was an inborn instinct or drive, as compared to later theorists who felt aggression was a reaction or a response to a situation (Meyer, 1996). Freud postulated that all human beings have two basic drives: aggress ive and libidinal. The two drives were thought to appear in human behavior in a fused state. The aggressive drive was seen basically as destructive. Thus, it was referred to as thanatos, or the death instinct. This destructive aggression could be directed towardRead MoreDomestic Violence And Violence Against Family Members And Intimate Partners906 Words  | 4 Pages According to the Bureau of Justice, nearly 3.5 million cases in the United States each year involves acts of violence against family members and intimate partners (2015).Data from the 1985 National Family Violence Survey affirmed that one of eight husbands committed at least one violent act towards his wife, and 1.8 million wives were beaten during the year course of the study (Holtzworth-Munroe Stuart, 1994). The Bureau of Justice (2015) defines domestic violence as â€Å"violence between marriedRead MoreInmense Effects of Physical Punishment870 Words  | 4 Pages In our society today, the quote we hear time and time again is, â€Å"Our children are our future.†So why is it that so many children are being abused? Physical punishment leads to countless consequences. If we truly believe that our children are our future, then we need to first fully understand how physical punishment affects children physically, emotionally, and mentally. It’s important to acknowledge that once a child is hit, the memory of that pain and humiliation remains programmed in the body
Pepered Moth Lab Free Essays
The purpose of the lab was to determine if the changes in population of light coloured moths and melonic moths post industrial revolution was a result of natural selection through the melonic moths ability to avoid predation because of a better fitness. In order to determine if the changes in population density were attributed to natural selection one would look for a increase in population for each subsequent generation for the moth that possess the selective advantage. Such as for the pre industrial simulation the light moth’s population increase because of its ability to avoid predation because of camouflage. We will write a custom essay sample on Pepered Moth Lab or any similar topic only for you Order Now The method needed to complete this investigation would be placing fifteen melonic and fifteen light coloured moths on a sheet of paper then having an individual act as the predator attempting to remove as many moths as possible over a quantized time. The simulation would have to be completed for three trials representing each generation then repeated again utilizing a different coloured paper, the papers used should be white, intermediate (cream) and black.Observations were made and the results were that the species of moth which possessed a selective advantage was in fact better suited for the environment therefore able to avoid predation and experience thriving numbers. These results were standard for the light paper and intermediate paper although the black paper did not follow suit as a result of the melonic moths not in fact being fully dark. The experiment demonstrates that natural selection can be attributed to the diminishing number of light coloured moths following the indu strial revolution and H. B. D Kettlewells hypothesis is correct.Introduction In this investigation biologist H. B. D Kettlewell’s hypothesis pertaining to the environments effect on the evolution of the peppered moth of the 1800s was tested. In the early 1950’s, H. B. D. Kettlewell, an English physician with an interest in butterfly and moth collecting, decided to study the unexplained color variations of the peppered moth. Kettlewell focused his study on a trend observed in Manchester England from 1845 to 1890 where the population of peppered mouths once made of gray coloured organisms inevitably was replaced with a darker almost black counterpart.Kettlewell hypothesized that a change in pollution found in industrial areas had provided the dark moths with a selective advantage over their peppered counterparts. This selective advantage, which increased the dark moth’s fitness, was the result of layers of soot altering the colour of barks of which the moths would reside. Therefore making the dark moths less susceptible to predation as a result of being better suited to the environment.Kettlewell focused his study on industrial Melanism, which is used to describe the adaption of population by the darkening of its individuals in response to poll ution especially during the time of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century where major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transport and technology effected the world through the introduction of coal powered machinery. The above noted adaption is directly linked to Charles Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection.Natural Selection is the reproduction of organisms best suited, possessing a selective advantage, to thrive in their environment. A selective advantage is a genetic advantage of one organism over its competitors that causes it to be favoured in survival and reproduction rates over time. The purpose of this investigation is to determine if the extinction of light coloured (peppered moths) post industrial revolution was a result of natural selection due to the melonic moth’s selective advantage in soot-covered foliage.The hypothesis for this investigation is the appearance of individuals is the quintessential influence of affecting the likelihood of predation. The influence natural selection has on the survival of the organism is exponential, the better suited the individual is for their environment the greater their fitness will be. Materials and Method Prior to beginning the exp eriment three tables were constructed in order to record the data observed for each simulation and trial (generation). Table 1 was titled simulation 1 (white paper) and each trial represented a subsequent generation. The table consisted of four columns; number of melonic moths, number of light coloured moths, percentage melonic and percentage light. Two other tables were constructed in the same manner one titled simulation 2 and the other simulation 3. In a group one student acted as the predator and the other as the timer. The predator faced away from the page while the timer randomly placed 15 white and 15 melonic moths on the page.On the timers command the predator turned around and removed as many moths as possible in a four-second period. Time was calculated using a stopwatch. The removed moths were considered dead and replaced in the next trial generation by the antagonist colour (if a melonic moth was removed it was replaced with a white one for always a total of 30). The timer then recorded the observed data onto the chart (number of remaining moths). This process was repeated for each simulation (different coloured tree bark) for three trials each totalling 9 attempts.The experimental design for this experiment was as followed. The independent variable was the number of moths that were spreaded on the sheet, always thirty. The dependent variable was the actions of the predatory which were influenced by the type of environment for that particular simulation. The control for this experiment was the cream coloured paper because it provided an environment to which no selective advantage was gained by either species of moth. ResultsAs the experiment continued several observations were made; Simulation 1 (white paper) for each subsequent generation the percentage of melonic moths to avoid predation decreased substantially as see through the dada recorded on table 1. Simulation 2 occurred on the cream coloured control environment, the number of moths was affected although possessed a certain consistency in this case trail 2 and 3’s results were identical. Trial Table 1. Simulation 1 (white paper) Pre Industrialization | Number Melonic| Number Light| % Melonic| % Light| Trial 1 (generation 1)| 13| 13| 50| 50|Trial 2 (generation 2)| 12| 13| 48| 52| Trial 3 (generation 3)| 8| 14| 36| 64| In the pre industrialization era the light moths numbers progressively grew as the remaining melonic moths diminished. Table 2. Simulation 2 (cream paper) Early Industrialzation | Number Melonic| Number Light| % Melonic| % Light| Trial 1 (generation 1)| 10| 13| 43| 57| Trial 2 (generation 2)| 10| 14| 42| 58| Trial 3 ( generation 3)| 10| 14| 42| 58| The number of moths light or melonic that survived apperead stagnet as the results stayed relatively the same Table 3.Simulation 3 (black paper) Post ndustrialization | Number Melonic| Number Light| % Melonic| % Light| Trial 1 (generation 1)| 10| 13| 43| 57| Trial 2 (generation 2)| 8| 15| 47| 53| Trial 3 (generation 3)| 8| 15| 47| 53| In the post industrialization the light coloured moths percentage of survival increased although began to lower after each subsequent trial (genearation). Calculations Simulation 1Simulation 2Simulation 3 13/26=5013/26=5010/23=4313/23=5710/23=4313/23=57 12/25=4813/25=5210/24=4214/24=588/23=4715/23=53 /22=3614/22=6410/24=4214/24=588/23=4715/23=53 Figure 1. Image of the Melonic moth and the Peppered moth The pre industrial Revolution era reveals that through each generation the number of white moths increase as the melonic moths decrease Early Industrial revolution the change in colour of population for the moths appears to be unaffected, experiencing a sustained growth Post Industrial Revolution the graph displays that the number of moth distribution becomes stagnate following an increase in the percentage of light. DiscussionThe results of simulation 1 (pre industrial) coincided with the theory that since the environment was cohesive to camouflaging the lighter moth they possessed a selective advantage and thus were able to avoid predation. Through natural selection, one can see that each generation the amount of light moths increased while the melonic decreased one can infer that the lighter moths selectively mated with other white moths in order to avoid predation and successfully reproduce. The early industrial revolution period, simulation two (cream coloured) acted as the control for the xperiment providing no selective advantage toward either species of moth. Each generation followed very slight fluctuation is the percentage thus supporting the hypothesis that the reason for the growth of specific species in an environment is correlated to their ability to thrive through natural selection. Simulation three the dark bark Post industrial simulation did not follow the expected pattern. Each generation found that there was an increase in the percentage of light coloured moths despite the fact that they possess no advantage towards their fitness.The reason why this experimental error occurred can be attributed to several experimental flaws. The moths being used were not in fact light vs dark, for this investigation there were light moths and peppered moths. Since the â€Å"dark†moth was actually peppered, it possessed no true selective advantage in terms of camouflage on the dark bark sheet. Other significant errors include the random spreading by which the moths were spread on the sheet. Since grouping was inevitable the results may have been varied because of high densities of specific moths in certain areas.Also the timing mechanism was not accurate enough to stop the predator at exactly four seconds so fluctuations in time may have allotted to extra moths or less moths being removed. One must also take into consideration that it is human intuition to overcome a proverbial challenge, in this investigation case the predator was expected not to be able to remove the better-suited moths with ease so one might have self consciously attempted to prove otherwise.Based upon the achieved results according to the data natural selection did occur because in simulation one each generation possessed an increase in the amount of light moths and the natural depletion of melonic moths which were in fact not fit for the environment. The purpose of utilize an intermediate colour background was to act as a control allowing comparable results for when there is no selective advantage. This results support the theory of natural selection because when neither moth were better suited to the environment both became susceptible to predation.Possible improvements in the design of this experiment would be as follows. For the difference in moth colouration to truly be cohesive to that of th e paper upon which they lay, also a better suited timing mechanism would be a system pre tuned to set a alarm at the passing of four seconds. Another potential improvement to the experiment would be to have someone with no knowledge of natural selection and Ketllewell’s theory of melaism to act as the predator to avoid any intuition of proving the theories incorrect. Regardless of the slight error found within the post industrial revolution simulation the evidence obtained supports the hypothesis that changes in the population of the different species of moths are in fact a result of natural selection through the ability to avoid predation in their environment.Works Citedhttp://www. experiment-resources. com/industrial-melanism. html#ixzz10mU3lemR Richlefs, R. Ecology. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company. (1990). How to cite Pepered Moth Lab, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Managerial Organizational Behaviour Haohe Construction Motivation System Essay Example
Managerial Organizational Behaviour Haohe Construction Motivation System Essay Managerial Organizational Behaviour Haohe Construction Motivation System Part A In every business organization, compensation or reward is an important issue and is identified to be a motivating factor, for employees to perform well and contribute effectively to the organization’s growth and for the attainment to whatever goal the organization has. One of the organizations that needed to have a good reward system is the construction industry. This is because the construction industry is composed of various workers: engineers, architects, electricians, technicians, foremen and labourers who are usually required to work even on holidays and weekends because construction projects have a definite time-frame and should be finished as demanded by the client and the weather. Aside from that, construction workers are exposed to accidents, injuries and hazards, thus reward system in this industry should be carefully given attention. Haohe Construction China Ltd is a private owned Chinese company that specialized in providing engineering construction services such as general contracting, planning, design, mechanical electrical installation and project management. The elements of the reward system in Haohe include both the extrinsic and intrinsic rewards: compensation, benefits, work importance, social interaction and work variety. In Haohe, extrinsic rewards are very important to be able for employees to meet their needs and to support their life. We will write a custom essay sample on Managerial Organizational Behaviour Haohe Construction Motivation System specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Managerial Organizational Behaviour Haohe Construction Motivation System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Managerial Organizational Behaviour Haohe Construction Motivation System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Compensation involves wages and bonuses while benefits include insurances and premiums that can be received in particular instances. Wages and benefits are the direct financial rewards. These are more important than the other elements of the reward because money helps meet the basic material needs; increases purchasing power of employees; raise the standard of living; and solve immediate financial problems (Ofili, 2004). The low wage prevalent in the industry is the reason behind the shortage of skilled workers and the difficulties attracting young people into the skill trades (ICAF, 2001). Intrinsic rewards can also be as effective as financial rewards for employees in Haohe, such as social interaction, work importance, work variety Social interaction is the key for every construction projects, no one can work alone, every employee work as a team and there should be good rapport among each people involved in the project to be able to finish a quality project. Because of this, workers in the company have learned good social interaction and team working, making a friendly working environment that are work conducive. Work importance is another important element of the Haohe intrinsic reward. Workers gained sense of achievement because the infrastructure or facilities they built have become very useful to the society and has given identity to cities or countries. Work variety is also a vital element because construction workers are able to experience working for different projects, enhancing their experiences and skills. For example, one worker may do a high-rise building construction but can also be able to work for road construction or airport construction for his next job. In the meantime, Social events like a dinner party after the completion of successful project for example, will confirm a sense of belonging to employees while learning opportunities such as seminars or trainings on how to use new processes or high-tech equipment confirm real opportunity, building loyalties for the company (Amar et al, 1998). Part B Within a construction company, it contains a wide range of employee such as engineers, architects, electricians, technicians as mentioned above. And they belong to different category. Such as architects and engineers are highly compensated because they are the backbone or the brains of every construction projects and are needed in every phase of the project while the plumber, electricians, carpenters, painters and other are need only at particular phases of the project. Wages and salaries of construction workers also depends on how big the project is, thus their earning are not stable. Additionally, job tenure in construction is lower than in other industries and generally, construction work is, by nature, temporary (Ringen et al, 1995). Workers in the industry depend on contractors to provide work for them, when a certain project is finished workers may be out of work for a certain period until the contractor gets another project again, thus workers tend to transfer from one contractor to another or work for different employers at the same time. To choose two job holders with different levels of responsibility, I prepared a questionnaire to be completed by 30 employees from across the range of roles at Haohe, I must stress that this was not a representative sample. The result is that the graduated project executive and senior architect scoring relatively high. As a project executive represents most of the junior level of staff in Haohe, and an architect who form the core of the business, comprising the bulk of the employ. For such reason, I have chosen the roles of project executive and architect for the comparison. Jobholder No. 1 – a junior project executive Jobholder number 1 is a fresh graduated student, has been working with Haohe construction for a year as a project executive. As starting from the junior level, he has been sent to the project site to supervise the progress of the project, doing the on-site management and client liaison for bulk recruitment projects. Understanding client’s requirements, and hence work to fulfil the manpower requirement, and ensuring implementation and compliance of policies and procedures on projects, conferring with all project team members on technical issues to ensure a delighted client and a successful project that meets project specific profit goals. Being a project executive, he represents most of the junior worker within Haohe construction. Applying the Maslow’s need hierarchy content theories, for the current stage, the biological requirement, safety and affiliation are acting the most important element for them. For the reason that as a fresh graduated student, the priority is turn into independence, especially in term of financial. thus the compensation provided by the company, including the accommodation and meals are essential for them as satisfying their biological requirement and safety, even though the wages and salaries are generally less competitive considering that construction work is physically and conceptually demanding. Even though those who are engaging in construction works have set his mind that this job is a blue collar one and that he should expect salary lower than the salary from white collar jobs, after few year, they will consider to change their job. According to the Maslow’s need hierarchy, he can not foresee his future development within this organization, his esteem need, transcendence and self-actualization need won’t be able to fulfil. In this regards, most of them will choose to move on to the real estate company, seeking for further growth. This does reflect the fact that Haohe construction’s motivation system for the junior workers is still remain at the very beginning stage. It is obvious that the Maslow’s need hierarchy content theory is closely related to the process expectancy theory. Expectancy theory (Vroom, 1964; Porter and Lawler, 1968), suggests that individuals, acting through self-interest, adopt courses of action perceived as maximizing the probability of desirable outcomes for themselves. This desire to maximize self-interest provides aspiring employees with unique opportunities to their roles by simultaneously meeting both personal needs and organizational requirements. As described above, the project executive consider the biological requirement, safety need are the main concern at the current stage. In this case, he perceives if he works hard, he will get paid accordingly, satisfying his fundamental need. At the same time, a certain bonus will be considered as reward to receive by the end of the year. Thus, he will work hard to ensure the job performance. As job satisfaction depends on need fulfilment, according to his Maslow’s need hierarchy, he is putting the basic biological and safety as his priority, once his need fulfilled, it will related to his attitudes and linked with the performance. Good performance, appropriately rewarded, is likely to lead to a job satisfaction. Generally speaking, organizational performance in Haohe is basically dependent on how each employee is motivated to perform his job well. For the junior workers, Haohe should consider to adopt the performance-related compensation, which is one of the means that organizations can use to enhance motivation and performance. Jobholder No. 2, an Architect Jobholder number 2 is a senior architect who has been working with Haohe construction for over 10 years. As an architect, she was in charge of design, plan and supervise the construction of buildings. She is responsible for the safety, usefulness and aesthetics of their buildings. She must design structures that satisfy the client’s needs while conforming to the laws and regulations of the area in which the structure will be built. Accordingly to the Maslow’s need hierarchy, apparently, it is completely opposite to the junior project executive. For her, as a senior architect, biological requirement, safety and affiliation needs are no more the motivator. She gives more emphasis on the aesthetics, transcendence, freedom of expression and self-actualization. To achieve her self-actualization, Haohe should provide her more on-going challenging projects. This self-actualization needs also reflect on the expectancy theory. Expectancy Theory States that workers motivation is a result of how much a person wants a reward (valence), the estimate that the probability that the effort will result in the expected performance (expectancy) and the belief that the performance will result in the reward (instrumentality). In other words people want to believe they will be rewarded for their effort(s) and the level effort they are willing to exert is based on this belief of reward. As a result of the Maslow’s need hierarchy, when self-actualization and transcendence are the ultimate goal for her, as she is sharing the same objective with the company. It means as long as Haohe would provide a good platform for her, gaining all the challenging new project for her to develop, she will commit to the company, and put all her effort on working, trying her best to achieve her/company’s final goal. With reference to her expectancy, she more focuses on the intrinsic rewards rather than extrinsic rewards, through the intrinsic reward to fulfil her job satisfaction. Intrinsic rewards are valued outcomes within the control of the individual, such as feeling of satisfaction, competence, self-esteem and accomplishment. This is a very comment practise that existing in most of the company, when the employee reaching the high management level, salary increasing and promotion are not more the motivator. Haohe is aggressively developing this global market, he believes, by going global, it will provide more opportunities and challenge for the employee to grow and develop. Conclusion Therefore, the motivation practices in the Haohe construction is a reward system should be various toward to different category employee. Even though there are nine needs under Marlow’s theory, from the basic biological requirements to the highest hierarchy self actualization and it really pointed out the progress of needs from human beings. However, the process could be stopped by any levels, and besides, maybe it is too vague for the Mrs. Johnson to predict the behaviour from the employees of the company because there are different positions of jobs which have different working content. Although the Marlow’s theory still offers the correct concept, the situation nowadays may need some adjustment. For the worker in Haohe, it does not only involved providing pay and incentives but also include good working relationship, the work itself, recognition of the workers’ performance levels and having the sense of contribution to the result of the project. As this industry is not very attractive and rewarding but some people find satisfaction with this kind of job having the awareness of how important their jobs are. References: Asmar, C. Desmond, D, Moore, D, et al (1998) The labor crunch, Retrieved online on October 31, 2006 Delaney, J. T. and Huselid, M. A. (1996) The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 39(4): 949-969 Industrial College of the Armed Forces Industry Studies (2001), Construction, Accessed online on October 30, 2006 Ringen, K, Englund, A, Welch, L, Weeks, J and Seegal, J, (1995) Why Construction Is Different, Construction Safety and Health in the Occupational Medicine: State of the Art Reviews, 10:2, edited by K. Ringen, A. Englund, L. Welch, J. Weeks and J. Seegal, Hanley Belfus, pp 255-259.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
A New Company. The following is based off from personal knowledge and all my own words and thoughts.
A New Company. The following is based off from personal knowledge and all my own words and thoughts. Instructions: Write a 200- to 300-word response to the following: You have been hired into a new company to oversee the accounting department. What type of financial reports would you expect to see in your department? How will you use the financial reports available to you to make business decisions?__________________________________________________________The type of reports that I would expect to see is the income statements, balance sheets as well as the profits and losses reports. The other things that I would also expect to see is the accounts payable and the financial reports.The way that I would use these reports is to analyze consumer buying trends as well as the commitments that have incurred so that way I can see what the future prospects may be. I would also use these reports to inspect the operations and the finances of the company and report any changes or unauthorized charges to the proper chain of command.The best thing to use these reports for is to help manage the su ccess of the business which would be done by increasing the profits and helping keep the inventory low and making changes where needed.Some of the other things that these reports can be used for is the monitoring of all of the activity of the business both current and the past. And comparing it to the future plans and goals of the company. This would give the information needed to keep the companys performance on track and heading in the right direction if they were not heading in the right direction, then I would make the necessary changes to get it heading in the right direction. I would then use all of the financial reports to ensure that the records show both current and past numbers and compare it to all of the...
Monday, March 2, 2020
3 More Types of Hyphenation Errors with Numbers
3 More Types of Hyphenation Errors with Numbers 3 More Types of Hyphenation Errors with Numbers 3 More Types of Hyphenation Errors with Numbers By Mark Nichol These three sentences exemplify incorrect insertion or omission of hyphens in numerical references. Each sentence is accompanied by a discussion and a revision. 1. The two albums have sold close to 30-million copies combined worldwide. The combination of a numeral and a word expressing an order of magnitude is never hyphenated; the usage, a simplified version of the cluttered-looking numerical representation 3,000,000, is not a phrasal adjective: â€Å"The two albums have sold close to 30 million copies combined worldwide.†(This is true even when the number is a phrasal adjective: â€Å"The 30 million figure is unprecedented,†though it is better to relax such a statement to read, â€Å"The figure of 30 million is unprecedented.†) â€Å"The 30-million-dollar figure is unprecedented.†In such usage, the number is often spelled out: â€Å"The two albums have sold close to thirty million copies combined worldwide.†No hyphen is required in this case, either (â€Å"The thirty million figure is unprecedented†), though, again, it reads better in a more relaxed state (â€Å"The figure of thirty million is unprecedented†). When yet another word is included to form a phrasal adjective, however, whether the number is in numeral form or spelled out, hyphenate all three elements: â€Å"The 30-million-dollar figure is unprecedented†; â€Å"The thirty-million-dollar figure is unprecedented.†2. These phases are often subdivided into 30, 60, and 90-day segments to manage specific milestones with greater precision. This sentence refers to segments of 30, 60, and 90 days’ duration, but the word day in the phrasal adjectives â€Å"30-day†and â€Å"60-day†has been elided because the use of the word in â€Å"90-day†makes it clear that the unit of time is implied for all three numbers. However, when this technique, called suspensive hyphenation, is employed, the hyphen must be retained after all three figures: â€Å"These phases are often subdivided into 30-, 60-, and 90-day segments to manage specific milestones with greater precision.†3. We anticipate that significant unplanned outages of the network will occur approximately five-ten times a year. If the numbers in this sentence were treated as numerals, the correct style would be â€Å"5–10 times a year,†but an en dash should not be used in a number range when the numbers are spelled out (nor should a hyphen, which, as here, is often used erroneously in place of the dash): â€Å"We anticipate that significant unplanned outages of the network will occur approximately five to ten times a year.†(Some publications deliberately use hyphens in number ranges because a hyphen takes only a single keystroke to type.) Todays video: Both vs. Neither Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101The Difference Between "will" and "shall"Woof or Weft?
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Performance Management - Essay Example Therefore, the system of performance management generally involves evaluating and developing the skills, behaviors, and the performance of individual employees, for ensuring that the organization competes favorably in the market through its high performance. Performance management is used as a measuring and management instrument of employees in the organization. This process mostly benefits the big international companies, and those companies, whose workforce is greatly distributed. As a process, performance management comprises different types of activities aimed at achieving the objective of the general process. These include reward and remuneration for employees, coaching and mentoring of employees, team working, measuring, competencies, and personal development plans, among others. Today, performance management is characterized by various changes, as the way it is approached today differs with how the process was approached in the past centuries. The changes in performance management today have contributed to its increased efficiency, and help organizations retain their high-performing employees. Performance management today is a holistic process, which embraces different processes, and this is efficient in people management in compa nies (Kreitner 2008). Armstrong & Baron (2005) note that performance management is not a new process. This has lasted for the past seventy years, since its inception in the 1940’s. Initially, managers of companies developed performance management during this period, in order to establish whether the different salaries and remuneration for the employees were justified or not.... The difference between performance management of those days, and the performance management today, is reflected in the complexity of the process. Today, performance management process is more sophisticated, as managers have incorporated more elements, which lacked in the past. For instance, managers have incorporated the aspects of development planning, competencies, and 360-degree feedback, among others, in the recent times (Armstrong & Baron 2005). According to Hale and Whitlam (2000), it is possible to trace the roots of performance management back to through the various past themes of organizational development. In this case, there was a work-study performed. Work would be broken down into different tasks in a way that is analytical. This helped with time planning, supervision, and cost planning. Additionally, this would help in determining the incentives for employees on the job. In this case, the aspect of competency took a different approach, as we know it today, since this di d not apply to more diverse work, and not only limited to work-study (Hale &Whitlam 2000). Another situation in past organization that reflects performance management is the use of merit schemes. The merit schemes in organizations were historically used to provide the generic definition of effective performance, in addition to providing a scale, with which performance would be assessed and rated against. However, today, the merit schemes have been disregarded due to their weaknesses. For instance, merit schemes cannot be used to measure aspects of a job that are unique, therefore, this is limiting. Additionally, the merit schemes could not be used to measure behavioral characteristics, which
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Did social media have a big impact in the Bahraini uprising during the Essay - 1
Did social media have a big impact in the Bahraini uprising during the Arab spring - Essay Example The Arab Spring was a term coined for the wave of revolutionary uprisings experienced in the Arab World from late December 2010. The wave of revolution took the form of protests and demonstrations that were either violent or non-violent in nature, coupled with civil wars and continuous riots. The wave of revolutions targeted the removal of leaders from power for different reasons that included oppression, nepotism, and system failures. The protests were witnessed in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, and Tunisia with major cases of civil uprising being witnessed in Syria and Bahrain (Behr & Aaltola, 2011). The protests experienced in the Arab countries had some shared elements that led to sustenance of civil resistance including demonstrations, use of social media, strikes, rallies and increased marches. The use of social media stood out as the major form of communication and creation of awareness in facing state control in the form of internet censorship (Safranek, 2012). The uprising witnessed in Bahrain commenced on February 14, 2011 with varied demands. The uprising has been ongoing with several concessions being achieved that include the release of political captives, removal of the head of security from office, increased negotiations with rebel movements including Shia representatives, GCC intervention following a request by the country’s government, implementation of BICI recommendations, and several economic gains under the watch of King Hamad. The uprising led to many deaths at the early stages with the incarceration of thousands of people by the close of April 2012. The choice of this article is informed by its in-depth analysis of the Bahraini uprising regarding the contribution of the social media in promoting the uprising amidst strong government interference and intervention. Cottle (2011) addresses the role played by communication networks and media systems in the facilitation of what are
Saturday, January 25, 2020
affirmative action Essay -- essays research papers
Affirmative Action Affirmative Action, policies used in the United States to increase opportunities for minorities by favoring them in hiring and promotion, college admissions, and the awarding of government contracts. Depending upon the situation, â€Å"minorities†might include any underrepresented group, especially one defined by race, ethnicity, or gender. Generally, affirmative action has been undertaken by governments, businesses, or educational institutions to remedy the effects of past discrimination against a group, whether by a specific entity, such as a corporation, or by society as a whole. According to the Merriam-Webster New World Dictionary, Affirmative Action is defined as an active effort to improve the employment or educational opportunities of members of minority groups or women. To put that definition in English, it means a program designed to help either minorities or women achieve equal rights, as with the rest of the population. In this case, the minorities are being discussed, or to be less broad, the African Americans. â€Å"I have a dream today.†This is a famous quote by one of histories most famous and influential civil rights activists of all time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Being a civil rights activist, Dr. King wanted nothing more than for his people, the African Americans, to have equality. In the effort to gain equality, there were four steps he took. The first step was the collection of facts. In other words, this meant that they would identify t...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project
Short Article-Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project 1. Classify and describe the problems Kaiser faced in setting up the transplant center. What was the role of information systems and information management in these problems? The information technology based problems that Kaiser faced in setting up the transplant center are use of paperwork, lost records, incomplete or incorrect date, lack of specific procedures for transferring data, no process for tracking or responding to patient complaints.The people problems were that the employees had little guidance and training related to their job requirements, and lacked prior experience with transplant program. Further, the employees that worked on processing transplant information were overworked and put in 10 to 16 hour days as they had to cope up with large amounts of information. The organizational problems were the company did not anticipate the personnel requirements of their new project. There was little gu idance given to employees and there was little executive governance to correct procedural problems.There was no attempt to identify and define the processes required to ensure a smooth transition from external transplant to in-house program. Information systems and management had an important role to play there were no procedures to transfer data on the patients to the United Network for Organ Sharing. There were no processes for tracking or responding to patient complaints/requests. Further, there were no procedures for transferring data to the United Network for Organ Sharing which oversees transplant waiting lists.Further, there were no directions sent the patients what they were supposed to do with consent forms. >>> Masalah TI yg Kaiser hadapi dalam mendirikan pusat transplantasi adalah : †¢penggunaan dokumen, catatan hilang, tanggal lengkap atau tidak benar, †¢kurangnya prosedur khusus untuk mentransfer data, tidak ada proses untuk melacak atau menanggapi keluhan pas ien. †¢Masalah pd umumnya adalah bahwa karyawan memiliki sedikit panduan dan pelatihan yang berkaitan dengan persyaratan pekerjaan mereka, dan tidak memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya dengan program transplantasi. Lebih lanjut, karyawan yang bekerja pada pengolahan informasi transplantasi yang terlalu banyak bekerja dan dimasukkan ke dalam 10 sampai 16 jam sehari karena mereka harus mengatasi dengan sejumlah besar informasi. Masalah organisasi adalah †¢perusahaan tidak mengantisipasi kebutuhan personil proyek baru mereka. †¢Hanya sedikit petunjuk yang diberikan kepada karyawan †¢Sedikit tindakan Eksekutif (manajemen) dalam memperbaiki masalah prosedural. †¢Tidak ada upaya untuk mengidentifikasi dan menentukan proses yang diperlukan untuk memastikan transisi yang mulus dari transplantasi eksternal untuk kepada program di-rumah.Sistem informasi dan manajemen memiliki peran penting untuk dilakukan †¢Tidak ada prosedur untuk mentransfer data pada pasien kepada UNOS. Tidak ada proses untuk melacak atau menanggapi keluhan pasien / permintaan. †¢Tidak ada prosedur untuk mentransfer data keUNOS yang bertugas mengawasi daftar tunggu transplantasi. †¢Tidak ada informasi yang diberikan kepada pasien apa yang harus mereka lakukan dengan formulir persetujuan 2. What were the people, organization, and technology factors responsible for those problems?There was little communication from the management to the employees; the employees were not organized properly. There was no leadership provided to the project and no measure in place to motivate employees. The people problem was that employees were not trained. Lacked experience, and were not guided to perform their tasks properly. In addition, the employees of Kaiser who worked on the project were overworked. Employees lacked proper directions to perform their tasks. The organization was ill prepared for doing the transplants in-house.The purpose of in-house transplants was not communicated to employees, there was inadequate structure, relationship and responsibility were ill defined, there is no evidence that any persons would be rewarded if the in-house kidney transplant project was successful and there was little leadership involvement in the project. The organization factors were that the company had not assessed properly the manpower requirement for transferring outside kidney transplants to in-house facility. There was inadequate organization to handle the increased responsibilities.The organization structure required to support the project was missing. The involvement of the top executives was minimal and they did not put in place systems to make successful the transition. It appears that the information systems used in the kidney transplant process was not developed properly. There was lack of system analysis, system design, testing, and maintenance of the system. This led to the use of paper based records, no system in place for data transfer to electronic sy stem, no process for responding to patient complaints or requests, and inaccurate records.There was a shortage of IT professions to support the databases that were required for the program. There was no arrangement made to transfer the waiting lists at other hospitals to Kaiser. >>> †¢Ada sedikit komunikasi dari manajemen kepada karyawan, †¢karyawan tidak ditata dengan benar. †¢Tidak ada kepemimpinan yang diberikan kepada proyek dan tidak ada alat yang menjadi ukuran untuk memotivasi karyawan. †¢Masalah umumnya adalah bahwa karyawan tidak dilatih. †¢Tidak memiliki pengalaman, †¢dan tidak mendapat petunjuk untuk melakukan tugas mereka dengan benar. karyawan yang bekerja pada proyek itu terlalu banyak bekerja. †¢Karyawan tidak memiliki arah yang tepat untuk melakukan tugas mereka. †¢Organisasi ini tidak siap untuk melakukan transplantasi di rumah. †¢Tujuan transplantasi di-rumah tidak disampaikan kepada karyawan, ada struktur hubungan, tida k memadai dan tanggung jawab yang tidak jelas, †¢tidak ada bukti bahwa setiap orang akan diberi imbalan jika di-rumah proyek transplantasi ginjal berhasil dan keterlibatan kepemimpinan sedikit dalam proyek. Faktor-faktor organisasi adalah bahwa perusahaan tidak dinilai benar kebutuhan tenaga kerja untuk mentransfer transplantasi ginjal luar untuk di-rumah fasilitas. †¢Organisasi tidak memadai untuk menangani tanggung jawab yang meningkat. Struktur organisasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mendukung proyek ini hilang. Keterlibatan eksekutif puncak sangat minim dan mereka tidak dimasukkan ke dalam sistem untuk membuat transisi sukses. Tampaknya sistem informasi yang digunakan dalam proses transplantasi ginjal tidak dikembangkan dengan baik.Ada kurangnya analisis sistem, desain sistem, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan sistem. Hal ini menyebabkan penggunaan catatan berbasis kertas, tidak ada sistem di tempat untuk transfer data ke sistem elektronik, tidak ada proses untuk menanggapi keluhan pasien atau permintaan, dan catatan akurat. Ada kekurangan profesi TI untuk mendukung database yang dibutuhkan untuk program tersebut. Ada yang tidak ada pengaturan dibuat untuk mentransfer daftar tunggu di rumah sakit lain untuk Kaiser. 3. What steps would you have taken to increase the project's chances for success?I would have first selected the employees who would be responsible for the different stages of the project. Their qualification and experience would be examined and required training would be provided to them. They would be given training necessary for records transfer, digitalization of records, transplant information transfer, compliance with the relevant laws, and implementation of the in-house transplant. There would be a properly organized department that would supervise in-house transplantation and would be responsible for the change. Further, I would develop a new information system for in-house kidney transplant.There would be proper planning for the informatio n system there would be requirements definition, systems design, implementation, integration and testing, acceptance, installation and deployment, and provision for maintenance of the system. I would get support of this project from the top management by way of adequate budget, and resources for the project. The reason is that without adequate support from the top management it is not possible to successfully implement such a project. I would have used all the project planning tools to make this project successful. gt;;; †¢Pemilihan karyawan dan staff yang akan bertanggung jawab untuk berbagai tahap proyek. †¢Pemeriksaan kualifikasi dan pengalaman serta pemberian dan pelatihan yang diperlukan. †¢Pemberian pelatihan yang diperlukan untuk transfer catatan, digitalisasi catatan, transfer transplantasi informasi, sesuai dengan hukum yang relevan, dan pelaksanaan in-house transplantation. †¢Pembentukan departemen yang mengatur dan monitoring (seperti quality assurance atau yang sejenis) yang akan mengawasi pelaksanaan in-house transplantation dan akan bertanggung jawab untuk perubahan. Pengembangan sistem informasi baru untuk in-house transplantation ginjal. †¢Perencanaan yang tepat untuk sistem informasi akan ada persyaratan definisi, sistem desain, implementasi, integrasi dan pengujian, penerimaan, instalasi dan penyebaran, dan penyediaan untuk pemeliharaan sistem. †¢Dukungan proyek dari manajemen puncak dengan cara anggaran yang memadai, dan sumber daya untuk proyek tersebut, karena tanpa dukungan yang memadai dari manajemen puncak tidak mungkin untuk berhasil melaksanakan proyek tersebut. †¢Penggunaan semua alat perencanaan proyek untuk membuat proyek ini sukses. . Were there any ethical problems created by this failed project? Explain your answer. Yes. There are several ethical problems created by this failed project. The kidney transfer program was implemented without having resources to treat the patients. From the perspect ive of deontological ethics, Kaiser has the duty to treat all the patients that have been transferred in-house. In addition, if Kaiser does not have the capacity to treat all the patients quickly so as to save their lives, Kaiser should not have transferred the patients for in-house treatment.Disregarding the patients' waiting time in other hospitals and dropping patients who had waited to the bottom of the list are not ethical. From a virtue ethics perspective these not acts of good character. Incorrect and incomplete medical records leading to the death of patients is not morally acceptable. Normally, an information system error would not be considered to be immoral but in a case where such errors can lead to the death of a person, such error would be immoral. >>> Ya. Ada beberapa masalah etika yang diciptakan oleh proyek ini gagal. Program transfer ginjal dilaksanakan tanpa sumber daya untuk mengobati pasien. †¢Dari perspektif etika deontologis, Kaiser bertugas untuk mengoba ti semua pasien yang telah dialihkan di rumah. †¢Selain itu, jika Kaiser tidak memiliki kapasitas untuk mengobati semua pasien dengan cepat sehingga untuk menyelamatkan hidup mereka, Kaiser seharusnya tidak mengalihkan pasien untuk di-rumah perawatan. †¢Mengabaikan waktu pasien menunggu di rumah sakit lain dan menjatuhkan pasien yang telah menunggu untuk bagian bawah daftar tersebut tidak etis. Dari perspektif etika moralitas ini tidak bertindak berkelakuan baik. Catatan medis tidak benar dan tidak lengkap menyebabkan kematian pasien tidak dapat diterima secara moral. Biasanya, kesalahan sistem informasi tidak akan dianggap sebagai amoral tetapi dalam kasus di mana kesalahan tersebut dapat menyebabkan kematian seseorang, kesalahan tersebut akan menjadi tidak bermoral. References: Kaiser Permanente Botches Its Kidney Transplant Center Project www. wisegeek. com/what-is-business-ethics. htm http://trade. gov/goodgovernance/adobe/bem_manual. pdf www. trivology. com/articles/4 93/what-are-business-ethics. html www. auditservices. com/itsysdev. html
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
History of Trigonometry - 4574 Words
Running Head: History of Trigonometry History of Trigonometry Rome Fiedler History of Mathematics 501 University of Akron April 29, 2012 History of Trigonometry: An Introduction Trigonometry is useful in our world. By exploring where these concepts come from provides an understanding in putting this mathematics to use. The term Trigonometry comes from the Greek word trigon, meaning triangle and the Greek word meatria meaning measurement. However it is not native to Greek in origin. The mathematics comes from multiple people over a span of thousands of years and has touched over every major civilization. It is a combination of geometry, and astronomy and has many practical applications over†¦show more content†¦Though there is no trigonometry in the works of Euclid and Archimedes, there are theorems presented in a geometric method that are similar to particular trigonometric laws or rules. Theorems on the lengths of chords are applications of the law of sines. In addition Archimedes theorem on broken chords is similar to rules for sines of sums and differences of angles. From the primitive landmarks of sh adow tables and the Greeks’ gain and expansion of astronomical knowledge from the Babylonians, there was a gap in the improvement of trigonometry until the time of Hipparchus. Hipparchus The first trigonometric table was in fact compiled by Hipparchus of, who is known as an as the father of trigonometry(Boyer, 1991). Hipparchus was the first to put into a table the corresponding values of arc and chord for a series of angles. He did this by considering every triangle was inscribed in a circle of fixed radius. Each side of the triangle became a chord, a straight line drawn between two points on a circle. To find the parts of the triangle he needed to find the length of the chord as a function of the central angle. [pic] For Example, in the diagram triangle ACB is†¨inscribed in circle O. So the sides of the triangle become chord†¨AC, chord CB and chord AB. Hipparchus would have sought to†¨find the length of the chord, AC, as a function of the central†¨angle. He deduced a trigonometric formula for the†¨length of a chord sketched from oneShow MoreRelatedWhat Is National Board Certification?706 Words  | 3 Pagesmath concepts, but I did not consider the possibility of being tested in the areas of trigonometry and calculus because these are not areas that I teach. In fact, these are areas I will have to brush up in and review because I have not looked at a Calculus or Trigonometry problem since by second year of college during my undergraduate degree. 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